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Witnesses as Sources? Yes, alright, sometimes witnesses to crimes or disasters can be sources. However, THEY CANNOT BE THE ONLY SOURCE ON A STORY. WDRB has CONSTANTLY used a witness to a crime or accident as their source to the fact it happened, which is okay if you have validation from an actual spokesperson with power, like the police or any first responders, but no! WDRB wants to use witnesses! Startled and emotional witnesses are in no way valid as the only source to a story. On the other hand, when a truck exploded in Louisville last month, WDRB interviewed a witness who was absolutely indifferent to what had happened! He had a stoic look on his face and the only thing he said that was even close to sentimental was that it was hard watching the driver lose his life! I don’t think it’s acceptable at all to use a witness to a crime, accident, or disaster to be your only source for a story. Bad journalism!

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