Crime a River (Get it?)

While watching WDRB these past several weeks, I have noticed that there is an overwhelming amount of crime stories. The ratio of crime stories to stories of any other topic is not proportionate, and this would be fine if there were no other things but crime happening in Louisville, but there are. The reason WDRB broadcasts so much crime is to get people’s attention and to hook watchers onto their stories. That is a populist move. News broadcasters, especially those that are local, should always include a variety of stories. For example, instead of publicizing one homicide multiple times, broadcast one in-depth story that will inform watchers instead of leaving them without excerpts of information so they keep coming back to watch WDRB the next day. Then, WDRB would have more time to include other important non-crime stories because less time would be spent reviewing news that had already been broadcasted once. Only after WDRB sheds their populist nature will they be completely credible, and only after they demonstrate more variety in their stories will they be taken seriously.


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