Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford

Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford
Relevant Matter Discussed in Class #4

As usual in things like this, a victim has come forward to tell of her dreadful attack and has been blamed and called a liar, etc., etc. It's a shame that no one is surprised.
Christine Blasey Ford has accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her. Though the alleged assault was quite a while ago, it is important that it be looked into. After all, many of the Bill Cosby cases took place decades in the past, people were equally enraged, if not more so. He was immediately viewed as a criminal, even before he was found guilty. I wonder why.
Just kidding, I know why:
It's because Kavanaugh is a white republican and he is supported by our white republican president. Nobody white and republican wants to believe a white republican would attack a respectable psychologist. Also-- some people are biased against women who speak out about their trauma. Many men and women don't believe victims because of all of the women who have cried wolf in our society's history. So, please, do me a favor and don't claim to have been sexually assaulted if you haven't. That is the lowest low I think you can reach.
However, I don't think Dr. Ford is lying. I think she had this experience locked up in the back of her head, and right as Kavanaugh was being hastily confirmed, she revealed it. On the other hand, I can see why someone would say that she made it up so that his confirmation would be delayed and studied further. Well, it does need to be inspected, but falsely accusing an innocent man of sexual assault is not the way to do it.
Dr. Ford's story should be looked into and believed until it is proven she is a liar, because sexual assault is despicable.
I've been finding that a lot of more-conservative sources have been almost ignoring the matter if not painting Dr. Ford as the villain, which of course violates countless journalistic requirements, like making the important interesting. Even though this is not my media critique, it is a critique of media.



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